
Oxavar (methyl-hydroxy-nandrolone)

oxavar-mohn M 4OHN or MOHN , or MHN , or OXAVAR [ 4-hydroxy-17a … -methyl-19-nortestosterone ] or [ 4-hydroxy-17a-methyl-17b-hydroxyestra-4-en-3-one ] or [ 17a-methyl-3 -oxo-19-norandrostene-4,17-diol ]. It is nandrolone with the addition of a hydroxyl group at C-4 in addition to methylation at C-17. This compound was first described in the literature in 1964 by researchers at Milano SPA (the one that produced oxandrolone in Italy until recently) who investigated the effects of adding a hydroxyl group at -4 to various anabolic steroids, including methyl nandrolone decanoate price (methandrolone in Italy / estanazolol in Spain ); Reappears in the US in 2004 as Oxavar of Gaspari Nutrition.
Methylation at C-17, in addition to increasing oral bioavailability, lowers the affinity for SHBG and increases the stability of the ketone at C-3 (required for receptor binding) at the muscle level, protecting it from the action of the enzyme 3alpha-hydroxysteridogenase: therefore, it enhances the action of the molecule both at the general and at the specific anabolic level.
The addition of a hydroxyl group to C-4 has numerous effects:

  1. prevents any aromatization with estradol or its nor-metabolites;
  2. additionally enhances the molecule in both anabolic and androgenic terms, with a slight predominance of the former; in particular, as one of the first Italian researchers, a certain G. Sala, noted: “ 4-hydroxy-17a-methyl-19-nortestosterone, compared with 17a-methyl-19-nortestosterone, shows a strong increase in both myotropic and androgenic effect, with a moderate increase in the therapeutic index “ [anabolic / androgenic ratio]. This enhancement of the overall effect was noted with oral, but not intramuscular, administration, while it increased the dissociation between anabolic and androgenic effects, suggesting that hydroxylation at C-4 leads to an increase in “intestinal absorption of the metabolite 17a-methyltestosterone”;
  3. another effect of hydroxyl in C-4, both in compounds derived from 19-nortestosterone, and from nortestosterone, was the complete elimination of the effect of progestogen, so typical instead of nandrolone and all its derivatives, as well as various other molecules;
  4. However, the introduction of hydroxyl c-4 reduces, but does not eliminate, the restoration of the double bond in c4-C-4 by 5-alpha reductase (a process that leads, for example, to the conversion of testosterone to DHT). This is especially true for C-17 methylates such as this compound. Although testosterone derivatives are reduced to more androgenic compounds (eg DHT), 19-nortestosterone derivatives are usually reduced to fewer androgenic compounds (eg DHN). This explains why M4OHT (methylhydroxy testosterone) is more anabolic and less androgenic than methyltestosterone, while M4oht (methylhydroxynadrolone) is much more anabolic and much more androgenic than methyltestosterone.

The connection observation results are summarized as follows:

  • the anabolic effect of 1304 on methyltestosterone 100 (which, however, is about 150 compared to testosterone 100)
  • androgenic effect of 281 on methyltestosterone 100
  • gestagenic effect 0
  • estrogenic effect 0
  • 218 antigonadal effect on methyltestosterone = 100

Overall, M4OHN has a strong affinity for androgen receptors, as well as a certain affinity for cortisol and estrogen (2.66 times that of methyltestosterone), which explains its pronounced abilities as both catabolic lipo and strong my anabolic. In general, the affinity for the M4OHN receptor can be considered a mixture. Given the lack of progestational effects, it does not require the use of antiprolactin agents and can be used in combination with testosterone or other flavored strong ingredients without fear of increased aromatization. Especially effective and relatively low side-link by weight with testosterone, given the reduced estrogenic effect, as well as the reduced toxicity to the liver, since the compound is already clearly anabolic at a dose of 2 mg per day; This is not a competitive dosage for men, but especially interesting for amateurs and women. At doses of 15-20 mg per day, it provides very consistent results for competitive bodybuilders and with limited liver toxicity and limited effect on lipid balance, which is also particularly at risk of C-17 methylation.

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